Determining Price

How is brktETH's value/price determined?

The price of brktETH relative to ETH is based solely on the aggregate value of its treasury's assets. The amount of assets will be available on-chain and be transparent for anyone to query. The value of the underlying assets will be determined by calling the collateral protocol's contracts to provide conversion price of their LST to ETH, and not market price. The price of brktETH relative to ETH will be calculated as the ETH equivalent value of all the underlying collateral divided by the amount of brktETH allocated by the smart contract.

This price will be dynamically calculated on the Ethereum network via an on-chain smart contract function.

BrktETH Block Reward Rate Estimation

brktETH has an estimated APY rate shown on the application. Soon after launch, this APY will be calculated based on a weekly period, 00:00 UTC to 00:00 UTC. Below is an example calculation of brktETH value based on weekly brktETH/ETH conversion rates TODAY: brktEthConvTODAY 00 UTC = 1.001862141078718353

LAST WEEK: brktETHConvONEWEEKago 00 UTC = 1.001321264743294901

Calculation estimation

estBlockRewards = 100 * (( 1 + (brktEthConvTODAY - brktETHConvONEWEEKago))^52 - 1) = 2.851698933% --

Last updated