Phased Launch Program

Bracket is in Phase I of a three-phase launch of our Liquid Staked DeFi platform vision to deliver ETH+

PHASE I - Stake LSTs in Escrow (LIVE)

Get first access to brktETH by staking in the platform. Subject to the terms and conditions then in effect.

  • Bracket will accept supported LSTs/LRTs into our escrow until brktETH is launched in Phase II

  • Users will earn their LST/LRTs return + LRT points (if any) + Bracket [BARS] during this phase

  • There are no restrictions on withdrawals

  • Users who withdraw early will keep their [BARS] earned up to that point


  • Earn more [BARS] the earlier and more that you stake

  • Get first access to brktETH claim and future rewards

    • Receive brktETH in Phase II, subject to the terms and conditions then in effect

  • Best chance at highest yield tiers in Phase II

PHASE II - Get and use brktETH on the platform

Deploy your brktETH into strategies

  • Escrow stakers can claim their $brktETH from the smart contract escrow.

  • Bracket's first strategies will become available on the platform

  • BrktETH can now be deploy into professionally managed strategies to generate additional yield.

  • There is a withdrawal process where a user can trade in their brktETH and receive back their choice of an equivalent value of LST/LRT treasury collateral.

  • Users can deposit LST/LRT collateral and instantly receive brktETH

Phase III - Community programs to be announced

Last updated